Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Day 3: Arnhem Museum/
Travel to Bacharach

My day began early again today because we had to walk along the canal to meet our coach that would drive us to Arnhem's Open-Air Museum this morning. Time to say good-by to Haarlem!The coach was very comfortable and cool. The drive to Arnhem only took about 1 1/2 hours. According to Jody, we made it in record time. When we got there, we played the name game to learn each other's names. The Filippos passed out our admission tickets and maps and we were on our own to explore! I was amazed by the 1600's thatched roof buildings. They housed both the family and the livestock. Most of the space was dedicated to livestock. I was also amazed the by sleeping closets with curtains. There were a number of different kinds of windmills that performed different functions. In addition to the farm houses and windmills, there were ponds, chapels and gardens to visit. We met for lunch at the cafe by the gardens and we enjoyed a traditional Dutch pancake lunch. It was delicious and filling! We still had a little time to explore after our lunch before meeting back at our coach. I spent my time in the gardens. We boarded the coach by 1:45 and were on our way to Bacharach. On the was, we stopped at a viewpoint of the Mosel River in Germany. The valley is beautiful and it was nice to get out and stretch our legs. As we got nearer to Bacharach, we followed a narrow road along the Rhine River and saw castles along the way. We were at our hotel by 6:15 pm, settled in and met for a group dinner at 7 pm at the hotel restaurant. Dinner was finished by 9 pm and it was still light out, so I took a walk around the village, then returned to my room by 9:45 pm to write in my journal. What a great day!
Click on the image below to expand.

We meet our coach driver, Jean.

We meet out front of the museum to get our tickets from Filippos.

Protestant church.

We meet our coach driver, Jean.