I have traveled on 3 previous Rick Steves' tours-Ireland, South England and Best of England, and thoroughly enjoyed each one. I was ready for more adventure and the Rick Steves' tours are the one for me! I enjoy having someone else do most of the planning, but also allowing free time for me to explore on my own. It is the only way I want to travel abroad. This trip, I decided to make the most of my time by combining 3 trips- a week in London, then travel to Scotland, and finish with the Belgium/Holland tour. This is my first leg-a week in London.
You can view the entire itinerary at Rick Steves' website: https://www.ricksteves.com/tours/england-scotland/london.
I decided to add a day to the beginning of my trip so I could visit Hampton Court on Saturday. I chose a hotel near Waterloo Station so make it convenient to catch the Southwest train to Hampton Court which worked out very well. I also planned to stay at the same hotel so I could attend Sunday services at Westminster Abbey.
Enjoy my adventure.
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Canada Gates.