Westminster Abbey

Time to go in yet?

Today's itinerary included a visit to Westminster Abbey, a walk along Whitehall, passed the Horse Guards, and a visit to Trafalgar Square. Then we were on our own to explore for several hours, then regroup to visit the National Gallery. No photos were allowed in Westminster Abbey so I just took pictures outside (although I saw people using their cellphones for pictures in the Abbey). After our Abbey visit, we walked down Whitehall. As we came to the Horse Guards, we happened upon them getting ready to change the guard and ride to the Palace. I was so excited! No one does pageantry like the British! Our walking tour ended at Trafalgar Square where we were set loose to explore on our own and get lunch. I decided to walk past the Admiralty Arch and visit St. James Park for lunch. After gathering back at Trafalgar Square, Jeannie took us for a tour of the National Gallery. After the National Gallery, Jeannie escorted anyone that wanted to head back to the hotel on one of the London double-decker busses. We were dropped at the bus stop by Green Park, then walked back to the hotel. I decided to rest the remainder of the evening, write in my journal, then walk to the Tesco for a quick picnic dinner. Early to bed for another busy day tomorrow!
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