Tour Day 12 Friday, June 24
Tintagel Castle, Bath
Today is our last full day together as a group. We checked out of Hotel Penzance and begin the 1 1/2 hour drive to visit Tintagel Castle, the legendary castle of King Arthur. The weather today is beautiful and we made good time on the drive. We arrived 35 minutes before the site opened, so instead of taking a shuttle bus down to the site entrance, we decided to walk from town. The Celtic Sea was beautiful today. Roy purchased our tickets and we were off! We had free time to visit the site. There were many steps up to the top. As you approached the steps, you could see a cave down below known as Merlin's cave. When the tide goes out, you are allowed to hike down and go inside. Once you climb all the stone steps to get to the top, you see that there is no actual castle. There are just ruins. The site was quite large and we were given time to thoroughly explore. There are no railings around the site, just signs warning not to get close to the edge! I toured the site for about 2 hours, then took the shuttle bus back up the hill to the town to get some lunch and explore. Once everyone gathered, we boarded our coach to head for Bath. After driving for 2 hours, we took a rest stop for 30 minutes, then were on our way again, but only got 15 minutes down the road when the traffic stopped. We sat on the highway for 2 hours! Several ambulances went past us and once the traffic started to move, we discovered the reason for the hold-up. There was a multi-car crash on the M5. The delay prevented us from having a walking tour of Bath. Roy called ahead to speak with the restaurant about our being late. Once we arrived in Bath, we unloaded our bags, said good-by to Ben, and checked in. Then it was straight down to the hotel entrance to gather and walk to the restaurant-our final dinner together. Roy did take us by the Royal Crescent and the Circus and told us a little about the history. Then we were off to the Woods restaurant for our final dinner and, for some, farewell. Several tour members were leaving early-before breakfast to catch a train. Everyone else would be able to say final farewells after breakfast. Dinner was delicious. Roy was given a parting gift of a train engine. He loves trains. After dinner, I strolled back to the hotel-it was already late-9:30 pm and it was 10:00 pm by the time I got back to the hotel. This has been a wonderful trip! I can't wait for my next Rick Steves tour! (Click on image for enlarged view.)

Walking down the hill from town to the entrance of Tintagel Castle.

Alan and Elizabeth from Seattle, Washington.